
Network Men Direct Pan-American Series

30 Educational Programs To Foster Western Unity

In an attempt to foster further Pan-American friendship, a staff of eight college radio network men and women will broadcast a ten week series of 30 cultural and educational programs to Latin American countries this summer.

Purpose of the plan as set forth by the Pan-American Department of the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System is "to bring the countries of North and South America closer together through an understanding of their mutual problems, as well as their art, science, and way of life."

Although still in its infancy this plan is aimed at eventual exchange of programs with South American colleges. If this succeeds, CRIMSON Network listeners will be able to tune in on these programs from below the equator.

Broadcasts this summer will be built around an appreciation of American music as seen in Negro folk songs, Western ballads, and spiritual chants. Feature of this series will be a history of American jazz, a big favorite with South Americans.

Other programs are planned to play up the part South America plays in the United States by broadcasting interviews with South American journalists, artists, scientists, and any others from the Republics who are in the news in this country.


Working under Lawrence Lader '41, of Lowell House, on the project this summer will be Bob Kieve '43, Dick Kleeman '44, and Bernie McMahon '42 of Harvard, as well as several students from other colleges.

This series of broadcasts will be the first big effort of the I. B. S. and has been recognized and approved of by not only U. S. State Department officials, but also by South American legacies.
