
HSU Will Picket Daily Here in Anti-War Move

Seniors in Academic Gowns Protest Conant's War Moves

Protesting President Conant's prowar declarations, a group of Seniors clad in academic gowns and carrying anti-war placards will picket Massachusetts Hall for one hour daily, beginning tomorrow.

The picketing plan was proposed by John Darr '41 at a peace meeting held in Server 11 on Monday afternoon under the auspices of the Student Union, and takes its cue from the anti-war picket line which the American Peace Mobilization has conducted outside the White House in Washington for the past few weeks.

Resolution Passed

The 85 students present at Monday's meeting adopted a resolution reaffirming "the right of the American people to express and act upon their demands for peace and "the right of organized labor to strike for higher wages and better conditions."

The resolution added: "Mr. President, by your declaration of a national emergency you challenged these rights. You overede the will of the people. We are not the 'timid few'. We are the majority of the American people. We shall continue to use our democratic rights to intensify the fight against military dictatorship, against conveys, against an A. E. F."


Speakers at the meeting included Darr. Jesse Prosten of the United Packinghouse Workers (CIO), Father Hastings Smythe of the American Peace Mobilization, and Spencer Klaw '41.
