
Gene Krupa To Play During Senior Spread in Lowell House, June 16th

'41's Last Fling Includes Pop Bar, Midnight Feast

Opening the festivities of Commencement week, Gene Krupa will bring his band here on Monday, June 16, for the gala Senior Spread, traditionally known as the Seniors' last filing at College life, it was announced last night by Thomas F. McGann '41, chairman of the Spread Committee.

This year's round-up will feature a formal dance in the Lowell House Dining Room, broken by a midnight feast in the Purtans' Dining Room. Lasting from 10 until 3 o'clock, the dance will offer a soft drink bar, and chairs and tables will be set up in the courtyard for guests.

Seven Man Committee

Making arrangements for the affair is a seven man committee headed by McGann. Other Seniors on the committee are Lawrence E. Shulman, A. Ellis Hunt, Jr., H. Gray Hutchinsee, John B. McGann, Russell N. Fairbanks, and Robert G. Paine.

Krupa's band comes here after recent engagements at the Meadowbrook Club, Glen Island Casino, and the Hotel Pennsylvania. "The band will tend towards the smooth and sweet," commented McGann. Mrs. Roger Irving Lee of Brookline is Head Patroness, and will be assisted by Mrs. James Bryant Conant, Mrs. Delmar Leighton, Mrs. Langdon P. Narvin, and Mrs. Ralph Hornblower.


Other patronesse are:

Mrs. Alonzo Klaw, Mrs. William Pierce Brown, Mrs. Harry Alfred Holmlund, Mrs. John Franklin Crocker, Mrs. Charles Pratt Berger, Mrs. Helen Lacey, Mrs. Roy Lester James, Mrs. Francis Marion Simpson.

Mrs. Ray Spiller Dietz, Mrs. Samuel H. Batchelder, Mrs. Alfred Chester Hanford, Mrs. James William Donahue, Mrs. Homer David Peabody, Mrs. Austin Jay Powers, Mrs. Dan Wilson Flickinger, Mrs. Richard Henry, Mrs. Robert Haydock.

Mrs. Philip Lyford, Mrs. Frederick Anthony Keyes, Mrs. Prentiss Nathaniel Gray, Mrs. Augustus Francis Gardela, Mrs. William Prentice Willetts, Mrs. David Herman Shulman, Mrs. Robert Gordon Paine, Mrs. John Edward Mansfield.

Mrs. Cecil Barnes, Mrs. William Edward McSweeny, Mrs. Augustus Thorndike, Jr., Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Mrs. F. Skiddy von Stade, Mrs. Clarence Henry Haring, Mrs. Kenneth Ballard Murdock, Mrs. Ronald Mansfield Ferry, Mrs. Roger Bigelow Merriman, Mrs. Walter Eugene Clark, Mrs. Elliott Perkins, Mrs. David Mason Little, Mrs. Franklin Delano Putnam, Mrs. Agnes Herberick, Mrs. Charles Stoddard Jenney, Mrs. Max Graff, Mrs. James Albert Taylor, Mrs. Julian L. Coolidge.
