


Thirty-nine high school seniors have been chosen from more than 700 candidates to receive the University's largest award to entering Freshmen, the National Scholarships, it was announced yesterday. Also disclosed were the names of the ten Massachusetts boys who will receive the first Non-Resident Scholarships.

National Scholarship winners are:

CALIFORNIA: Ray E. Donner, Los Angeles; Richard W. Elliott, Jr., Mecca; Philip S. Flint, San Diego.

ILLINOIS: Don W. Crary, Dallas City; Nathan S. Davis, Jr. Winnetka; Merrill M. Gaffney, Winnetka; Willard T. Grubb, Springfield; James E. McNulty, Jr., Oak Park.

INDIANA: Armin E. Gutstein, Kendallville; Thomas V. Keene, Jr. Indianapolis; Samuel E. Stuart II, Fort Wayne;


KANSAS: Philip L. Ruppenthal, Russell.

KENTUCKY: Herbert L. Ley, Jr. Ashland.

MASSACHUSETTS: Warren Bennett, Dorchester; Richard M. Brown, Arlington; Scott E. Doten, Newton; James F. Fallon, Jr., Medford; Peter W. Fay, Cambridge; Edward W. Merrill, West Roxbury.

MICHIGAN: William J. Hornbeck, Muskegon; Cornelius J. Pack, Iron Mountain;

MINNESOTA: Charles E. Carlston, Minneapolis; Kingsley Ervin, Jr., Minneapolis; Edward L. Henderson, St. Paul; Carlton Johnson, Fergus Falls; Lyman C. Wind, Duluth.

MISSOURI: McKim Marriott, St. Louis; Earl W. Stevick, Joplin; Robert L. Winter II, Kansas City.

NEW MEXICO: Kendrick R. Eilar, Albuquerque.

OHIO: Daniel J. Crowley, Jr., Bowling Green; Ernest J. Dieterich, Akron; Kenneth S. Lynn II, Shaker Heights; Melvin L. Milligan, Massillon; James W. Warwick, Toledo.

CREGON: George H. Barnes, Portland.

TENNESSEE: Herbert C. McArthur, Chattanooga.

WASHINGTON: Frederick A. Olafson, Seattle. WISCONSIN: Lyman J. Scripter, Racine.

The recipients of Non-Resident Scholarships in Massachusetts are: Robert A. Goldthwaite, Somerville; Richard A. Kaye, Brookline; Lauriat Lane, Jr., Cambridge; John J. McCullough, Arlington; Thaddeus K. Mroz, Salem; Kalman Novak, Cambridge; Raymond H. Ripley, Jr., Belmont; Arthur J. Torsiglieri, Boston; Amiel P. Van Teslaar, Boston; David M. Young, Jr., Quincy
