
U.S. Navy Finance, Supply School to Be Set Up Here

Business School to Take 400 in Summer

Cooperating with the government in the national defense effort, the Business School ill turn over part of its buildings and grounds to the United States Navy Finance and Supply School in July for an indefinite period, Rear Admiral Ray Spear, Chief of the Navy Bureau of Supplies, announced yesterday.

The School will be moved from the Philadelphia Navy Yard to Harvard to free much needed space, and plans to open here in time for a summer session for approximately 400 Navy students. The men will live in the Business School dormitories along with the regular students, but will attend special classes conducted by Naval instructors.

100 More in Fall

Next fall another 100 men will be enrolled for training through the academic year 1941-42 under similar conditions.

"The accommodation of the U.S. Navy Finance and Supply School is in line with the policy of the Business School to be of service to the government and the country," commented a University official.


This last move is only the latest step in the Business School's cooperation with the Army and Navy which has gone on since the last war. Army and Navy men have trained there for 20 years and recently the School has been in close contact with the Army Industrial College.

Last month the Business School announced a plan for a one year course beginning next September to train men for service in defense industries where the need for mangers and executives is acute. The twelve month course cuts in half the present time required for a degree and the new degree awarded will be one of Industrial Administrator.
