

Asserts Money Spent For Social Reform, Not Arms

Coming to America for the first time after his recent escape from a German prison camp, Claude Guy, former second lieutenant in the French infantry, laid his country's defeat to the lack of military and industrial preparation.

"A nation before having its hands free to fight an enemy must begin by winning the first battle over its own demagogic weaknesses," Guy said. Germany was spending enormous sums in constructing its army, France was spending large amounts for social reform. To arm itself effectively for battle, a nation cannot afford the luxury of granting its workers higher wages shorter, hours, and the privilege of engaging in long drawn-out strikes.

Nation Must Sacrifice All

In his country's present misery and sorrow, Guy believes that it has one advantage over other democracies, the advantage of looking the truth squarely in the face. To win a war a nation must exert every possible effort and sacrifice to reach its goal. For seven consecutive years, Guy noted, Hitler has been pushing his people to the utmost in every field of work. Any country which expects to overcome that force must sacrifice everything to achieve that end.

The German army, according to the former lieutenant, possesses a fanatic loyalty to its leader. The most striking reality, continued Guy, is the German youth whose only exclamation is "Heil Hitler." When captured, they remain silent, staring into the distance as though they notice nothing.


Guy, himself, was captured by the German forces in France's downfall last summer and was placed in a farm house prior to being sent to a prison camp. By cleverly hiding himself when the group marched away, he was able to get free and make his way on foot to Switzerland.
