
Smoker and Fire

When the balloons, littered beer cans and mangled bodies had all been swept up from Mem Hall floors this morning, the Yardling Smoker Committeemen stood out clearly as peers of their trade. Old grads, blase upperclassmen and burly Yard cops burbled in unison that this year's Smoker was tops for all time. Entertainment--loud, raucous, spicy entertainment--was the bill of fare, and avid Freshmen gobbled their dish in glee. The Jones Brothers cleared the way for the evening's queens with a knowing, "now we understand each other, gentlemen." Although stripped of her bubbles and feathers. Sally Rand uncorked with deft grace the long suppressed libidos of exam-plagued undergraduates. Yvette proved to be the program's chief charmstress with her soulful renditions of several French airs, and the Mad Russian, an amazing fire juggler, capped on a fitting climax.

Whatever is remembered of the '44 Smoker, organization, efficiency and successful fiscal finagling are sure to be prominent. But no more so than Sally's observations about Florida, the weather, and--will you or won't you?
