
"H"-Men Pick Heads For New Committee

Meet After Varsity Club Lunch; McCoy, Brown Talk

Officers for the new Varsity Club Undergraduate Council will be elected at a meeting of all Major "H" men after the Varsity Club spring luncheon tomorrow noon at the Quincy Street clubhouse.

The annual luncheon, scheduled for 12:30 o'clock, will serve as the official welcome for Al McCoy and Earl Brown, the two new Crimson football coaches. Both will speak briefly.

Al McCoy went to both Penn State and Lafayette College, where he was an all-around athlete. Last year he was head football coach at Colby College. A few years ago, Earl Brown carried Notre Dame's colors to an end position on the All-American football team. Earlier this year he was both football and basketball coach at Brown.

All who plan to attend the luncheon are requested to telephone their names to Mrs. Noble at the Varsity Club House sometime today. Price for the luncheon is 60 cents.
