
Professor Demos States That Greeks Will Recapture Their Independence

Asserts German Occupation Only Temporary Necessity

Maintaining that the Greek spirit of democracy can never be extinguished, Raphael Demos, associate professor of Philosophy, yesterday asserted that the Greeks would accept Nazi occupation only as a temporary necessity.

"It is not the first time the Greeks have been conquered," said Demos, "They were the subjects of the Turks for many decades, but even then the spirit of independence was never quenched. The same will be true once more. The Greeks are individualists by nature; they hate anything that smacks of totalitarianism."

Praying for British Win

Greece is depending on a British victory. At present, Demos noted, the Greeks have organized a free government on the island of Crate with the aid of the English. The two countries have always been friendly because they both are coastal nations composed of seafarers who respect liberty.

The United States is the source toward which Greece is looking to insure an Allied triumph, the professor remarked. For many years Greeks have been immigrating to America because they like the country's liberal habits. They expect America will assist Greece by aiding Britain.


"The Greeks are justly proud of their efforts in the war. When they decided to fight, they did not balance the chances of victory against defeat. They went into the fight because they felt there were some things like liberty that are more important than survival. The consciousness that they have given as good an account of themselves as their ancestors did against the Persians will stand them in good stead in their present adversity and keep their morale high and undefeated."
