

Six Other Juniors Selected To Fill Positions on Staff

Harry Newman '42 of Adams House and Beverly Hills, California, was appointed chairman of the 1942 "Senior Album" yesterday afternoon. Selected to act as his assistants were Photographic Editor John A. Holabird, Jr. '42, Literary Editor John P. Bunker '42, and Circulation Manager Charles S. Bridge '42.

Other vacancies on the staff were filled yesterday at the end of a five-weeks competition. The new editors are Feature Editor Howard W. Young '42, Business Manager Stanford L. Optner '42, and Assistant Business Manager J. Burgess Thomas '42.

Will Photograph Draftees

The board has already planned a program to begin work on the class book. Within the next few week, all men who may be called in the draft before next September will be photographed and signed up for the Album.

In past years the work of the Album has been done largely by a staff of five men, but for the '42 book, the staff will be enlarged and divided into four divisions, business, circulation, editorial, and photographic, to distribute and coordinate the work.


An increased number of informal pictures and advertisements will be included in next year's Album. The increase in advertising, according to Newman, is necessary to compensate for the loss in circulation as a result of the draft. Other changes in the class book will be alterations in both the athletic and Faculty sections, Newman added.
