For the first time, Harvard students will be given the opportunity to invite their southern neighbors from the Latin American countries to vacation in their homes for a short period this summer. "The Experiment in International Living" is sponsoring the program and will be pleased to discuss plans with all interested.
Established to promote good will with foreign countries, the Experiment in International Living has for ten years made it possible for young Americans to spend the summer in the homes of young people of other countries. France, Belgium, England, and Italy have all been visited by American students, but since the beginning of the war, the agency has been sending its members of Mexico and South America.
Careful Selection
This year the organization desires to place a number of Latin Americans in United States homes. All the men have been carefully selected from the students now attending universities and colleges in the United States, and it is intended to show them that side of American life which they cannot experience while studying.
Detailed information may be had by writing to the Experiment in International Living 2 West 45th Street, New York City. Michael R. Gannett '41, Lowell House P-22, is the University representative and will be pleased to answer all questions concerning the program.
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