

To the Editor of the CRIMSON

Those of us who had hoped that change was possible even at Harvard received a blow between the eyes when we road in yesterday's CRIMSON that our over-alert Student Council, while finding occasion to pass resolutions instructing Faculty men in the conduct of courses, could discover no cause for action in the case of what might seem to the layman a clear mandate, a two-to-one majority demanding a new food policy. Perhaps there are reasons, as yet undisclosed, for maintaining the present system. But since the question was considered fit subject for a poll, one is tempted to ask just what majority would warrant action. One group alone, those who now take ten meals a week, opposed the change. They constitute 7.2% of the College. It seems hardly just that so small a group should stand in the way of a change which would so manifestly benefit vast majority of the undergraduate body. Carroll Binder, Jr. '43,   Matt Gaffney '43.
