Perpetuating last year's witty citations, the Harvard Student Union's Committee for the Recognition of Class Room Generals today made its second presentation of military awards to those Faculty professors who "have distinguished themselves by their unusual devotion to their causes and high bravery in the face of enemy action."
With apologies to the many others who deserved recognition, but "whom the Committee felt itself unable individually to recognize," the following awards were made:
"To William Yandell Elliott, a stop-and-go signal for personal heroism. . . in his frequent crossings of Harvard Square."
"To John Milton Potter, a flashlight symbolizing the torch that has been dropped by his mighty colleague, Samuel Cross, that he may continue to bring light to the dark recesses of the clubwomen's minds."
"To President James Bryant Conant a small fleet of toy destroyers, to convoy him back and forth on his scientific missions."
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