
Bengals Chief Threat To Crimson's Record

Cornell And Syracuse Also Entered in Final Race of Season Over Charles River Course

In a last ditch effort to smear Harvard's unblemished sprint-race record, the Varsity crews of Princeton, Syracuse, and Cornell will join forces tomorrow afternoon at 5:30 o'clock in the hopes that one of them will cover the mile and three-quarters course faster than Captain Sherm Gray's eight. The chances of the Crimson's being upset seem almost negligible, and the rangy Varsity seems headed for its first undefeated sprint season since Spike Chace captained it in 1938.

The Junior Varsity and Freshmen will also run over the Charles River course. The race between the Jayvees, Cornell, and Syracuse should line up as a good one. Both the Crimson and Big Red have beaten Navy. With Tech's powerful Freshmen out of the picture, Harvey Love's Yardlings may win the first race when they face yearling eights from all three colleges. The Freshmen row at 5 o'clock and the Jayvees fifteen minutes later.

Princeton After Crimson Shirts

For the past two years the Ithacans have been the only crew to beat the Varsity, both times on Cayuga's Waters. Princeton, however, and not Cornell is the boat which should press the Crimson over the course, and provided the conditions are anywhere near favorable, there is a good chance that another record will topple tomorrow.

In the Compton Cup races earlier this month Harvard had a length and a third to spare over the Bengals, but since then reports coming out of Tigertown indicate that the Princeton crew has shown vast improvement. The main reason Princeton is on the Charles again this weekend is to get another shot at the Crimson rather than to face Cornell, whose race with the Tigers and Yale was cancelled last week.


The Harvard boatings:

Varsity: Pirnie bow, Pennoyer 2, Goddard 3, Gray 4, Lyman 5, Whitman 6, Challinor 7, Curwen stroke, Boynton cox.

Junior Varsity: Fitz bow, Wilson 2, A. Whitman 3, Erskine 4, Herter 5, Prince 6, Hinckley 1, Wagner stroke, Palmer cox.

Freshmen: Wentworth bow, Biddle 2, Smith 3, Michalis 4, Andrews 5, Ober 6, Sohier 7, Chace stroke, Stearns cox.
