
Varsity Crew Favored In Annual Adams Cup Race

Crimsen Rowers Have Only Navy To Fear

Everything to lose and practically nothing to gain is the situation which faces the Varsity crew tomorrow afternoon when it meets Navy and Pennsylvania in the annual Adams Cup race at Annapolis. The Crimson is counted an easy favorite to finish first, and would gain itself more publicity by losing than by winning.

The Varsity and Junior Varsity, together with two spares from the thirds, left Boston last night on the midnight and will have an opportunity to work out twice on the Severn river today before paddling to the starting line in defense of the golden cup, won by the Crimson for the past three years.

Navy Improved Crew

The Middles, who last beat Harvard in 1937 to spoil an otherwise undefeated season are accorded the best chance of upsetting the Varsity. With things in a mild turmoil at the Academy, the Navy crew fortunes fell into the hands of an inexperienced group of oarsmen.

Throughout the season, however, their latent power has been whipped into smoothness, and in their last race two weeks ago they sprang one of the major upsets of the season by upsetting Cornell's heavy eight. Previous to that they had rowed close but losing races against Princeton and Cornell. The only connection between Harvard and the Navy rests in a Crimson victory over the Tigers almost a month ago.


The Junior Varsity race should be a "grudge" race between Harvard and Navy. For two years now the second string midshipmen have spoiled an otherwise perfect Jayvee record, and the Junior Varsity is in no mood to see a recurrence of the procedure.

With the shifts which Bolles has instituted in the Varsity during the last two weeks, however, the Jayvees are no longer in the same class with the Varsity, and since the Middies have defeated the Princeton Jayvees, as have the Crimson, a good race seems in prospect.

Bus Curwen will pace the Crimson hopes in the Varsity race, and Ted Lyman is seated in the powerhouse number five slide. Tom Boynton will again be coxswain, and otherwise the first boat is as usual. Ex-varsity men Colton Wagner, Fred Herter, and Jimmy Ducey will hold the corresponding positions in the Jayvees.

The Harvard boatings:

Varsity: Curwen stroke, Challinor 7, Whitman 6, Lyman 5, Gray 4, Goddard 3, Pennoyer 2, Pirnie bow, Boynton cox.

Junior Varsity: Wagner stroke, Hinckley 7, Prince 6, Herter 5, Erskine 4, Whitman 3, Wilson 2, Titz bow, Ducey cox.
