
May 20 Made Application Deadline For Next September's N.Y.A. Jobs

Congress to Allot at Least As Much Money as in 1940

Applications for work in 1941-42 under the National Youth Administration will have to be submitted before Tuesday, May 20, Charles W. Duhig; director of Student Employment, announced yesterday.

Only men who have already applied for T.S.E. jobs for next year will be exempt from the necessity of making application for N.Y.A. if they wish to get the jobs. Jobs under the two authorities will be intermingled so that one student may do part of his work under each authority.

Moving the deadline back from May 20, where it had been, was effected to give more men a chance to apply, Duhig said.

There will be no difference in the types of work done by T.S.E. and N.Y.A workers, he emphasized. The only distinction will be in the source of funds and the maximum which can be earned by any one man.

In order to spread the University's job appropriations over as much ground as possible, many boys will be given jobs which are paid half by N.Y.A. and half by the T.S.E. This will mean that they won't get as much as they had from T.S.E. alone, but it will insure jobs for more students who need them.


Duhig made clear that the present fight in Congress over the slashing of the Youth Administration budget will not affect the University. "It's a cut on the increased allotment asked for next year," he pointed out, "and whatever happens the N.Y.A. will have at least as much money as last year.

"However, we can't make our request for funds for Harvard until the applications are in. If we were to leave that till September, the work program wouldn't get started till Christmas.
