Senator Burton K. Wheeler, in Boston yesterday to speak at the America First Committee's mass meeting against entrance into the war, warned that any attempt by the President to sent the U.S. Navy into the war zone would be unconstitutional.
"The President has claimed the right to sent the navy where he wishes," said the Senator from Montana, "but I believe he doesn't have this power."
In a jovial and expensive mood after lunching with several friends and associates, he placed himself in a large armchair and relaxed before his evening address in Symphony Hall. Long known as one of Roosvelt's most out-spoken opponents, Wheeler has recently taken the lead in fighting against American entrance into the war.
Reiterating that he was opposed to a permanent draft plan, Wheeler stated, "In spite of the Administration's efforts to force such a plan on the American public, I am of the opinion that the draft will be discontinued after the war.
"I see no reason for exempting college or scientific students from the draft if the age is lowered to 18," he continued, "for persons in defense industries are eligible to be called."
When he was questioned as to the possibilities of an English victory, Wheeler asked what constitutes a British victory. "England can save itself and its empire by making a peace treaty right away, but she cannot destroy the Germans so easily. It was impossible to prevent the Nazis from invading the recently conquered count- ries, and to attack Germany without a base on the continent will be much more difficult."
Later, the Senator expressed the belief that, if we enter the war, we will pile up a debt of 200 billion dollars. "As a result, there will be a drastic inflation after the war.