

McNicol and Guild Roll Up Three Touchdown Lead

Led by Loren MacKinney, Don McNicol and Chub Peabody, regulars on last year's Varsity, the red-jerseyed half of Dick Harlow's spring football squad romped through the Grays and scored an easy victory by the margin of three touchdowns and one safety in the final spring session on the Soldiers Field practice gridiron yesterday afternoon.

Don McNicol started the scoring with a short plange over the right side of the line early in the first period. The red squad got the ball on the opening kick-off and sparked by McNicol they passed and plunged straight down the field for the first marker.

In the second period, McNicol left the game and Ray Guild, fleet-footed half-back, took over the scoring role. Twice he skirted the left side of his own line, going for touchdowns, once from outside the 20 and again from the 35-yard

Outstanding on the gray team were Tom Gardiner and Greely Summers. Summers turned in the prettiest play of the day when he gathered in a long picture pass after balancing the pigskin precariously on the tips of the finger nails.

Captain Franny Lee and George Heiden, first string backs, were in uniform but saw no action. Vern Miller was on the sidelines with a sprained knee, but Stan Durwood added a roseate hue to the tackle situation with his standout performance.


The best of the Yearling crop, all of whom played a major share of the game, included Tom Cowen, Swede Anderson, Walt Wilson, George Hibbard, and Len Cummings.
