
Institute Postpones Course In Map Reading to May 12

Because of numerous requests from Seniors who are in the midst of studying for divisionals, the Institute of Geographical Exploration has advanced the date of its course on the use and reading of maps.

Originally scheduled to run from May 2 to May 14, the course will now meet for the two-week period between Monday, May 12, and Friday, May 23. Six lectures will be given on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 3 to 4 o'clock.

Designed to serve as a complete introductory guide to the study of map and serial photograph reading, the course will progress from work on scales, projections and contour lines to field sketching and stereoptical study. Erwin Raisz, instructor in Geographical Exploration, will give the course, for which applications should be made at the Institute on 2 Divinity Avenue.
