Bobby Byrne, his blues trombone, and his world-renowned dance orchestra was signed up early this morning to play at Harvard's Freshman Jubilee Friday evening, May 23. The long-awaited announcement from Andrew Welch '44, the Committee's chairman, climaxes a two-month search for a suitable band for the biggest annual Freshman social affair.
With the definite selection of the orchestra arranged by Edward H. Mahoney '44, band committee chief, plans for the weekend here have begun to take concrete shape. The Union will be the Jubilee's site and music will continue from 10 to 3 o'clock. During the five hours of dancing, a hot midnight supper will be served and several novelties run off.
Dorothy Claire will round out Byrne's smoothly styled music as the band's featured vocalist. Even before the recent controversy between Byrnes' and Glenn Miller, who tried to sign Miss Claire while she was under contract to Byrnes, she was known to all musically minded America for her sweet singing and tantalizing personality.
Byrne's 15 piece combination boasts a number of exceptional soloists and features one of the most mellow five-piece trombone sections ever brought together. Star among stars is Byrne himself, who gained a name with his unique blues trombone when he took over Tommy Dorsey's spot in the original Dorsey brothers' orchestra in the resulting Jimmy Dorsey organization.
His start with his own outfit began with a Glen Island Casino engagement following immediately Glenn Miller's record-shattering stay. Since coming into his own at that stand. Byrne has won an ever increasing following through a long series of popular recordings among which are "Danny Boy" and "Stop Pretendin'," are his best known. Following his Jubilee performance, he and his band will play at Dailey's Meadowbrook.
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