

The Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports has announced the award of seven minor H's and two minor numerals to Varsity skiiers, and 72 major and minor numerals to Freshmen for this year's winter sports.

Skilling, Minor H

Adelbert Ames 3rd '43 (Captain), Lindley J. Burton '42, Finn C. Ferner '43, Franklin King, Jr. '42, Roger B. Wilson '43, Thomas Winship '42, William C. Wigglesworth '41 (Manager).

Skling, Minor Numerals-1944

David B. Arnold, Jr., Henry F. Bigelow, Jr.


Freshmen Basketball, Major Basketball Numerals-1944

John T. Axon, Walter S. Basker, Robert B. Betts, Malcolm H. Brodrick, Gordon M. Brown, Jr.(Captain), George M. Burditt, Jr., Richard N. Eckert, Edward L. Hadley, Hugh M. Hyde, Donald MCA. Lutze, William F. Suyder, Jack In Torgan, William R. Snow, Jr. (Manager).

Freshmen Fencing, Minor Numerals-1944

Earle D. Acker, David Baldwin, Marcus Becbe, Jr., Lyman C. Bullard, John C. Burton, William S. Butcher, Charles T. Cowen, Albert P. Everts, Jr., Norman Harrower, Jr., Alexander S.S. Macmil.

lan, Jr., Austin B. Mason, Jr., Richard B. Ogrean, Grover O'Neill, Jr., Joseph W. Redmond, Albert L. Reeves (Captain), Fenton Taylor, Jr., Julian Crocker (Manager).

Freshman Squash, Minor Numerals-1944

Henry H. Bame, Peter P. Grey (Captain), Marshall Hughes, Wallace McDonald, Edward B. Stevens, Jerome Preston, Jr. (Manager).

Freshman Swimming, Major Numeric-1944

David F. Barnes, George Christman 3rd, John D. Eusden (Captain), Charles P. Gabeler, Jr., Donald Harting, William L. Hewes, Jr., Anton O. Myrer, Walter B. Saunders, Philip R. Shutt, Merrill S. Stocker, Harry L. Hosford, Jr. (Manager).

Freshman Swimming, Minor Numerals-1944

Douglas A. Brown, Robert W. Rand, David R. Saunders, Wilbur R. Tiemann, Jr., Hollis J. Wyman, Jr.

Freshman Wrestling, Minor Numerale-1944

George W. Blanchard, Dugald C. Burns, Edward M. Guild (Captain), Francis A. Houston 2nd, William J. Moss, Charles M. Purinton, James F. Reidy, William R. Watson, Charles B. Straus, Jr. (Manager)
