Emphasizing Chile's cooperation with other countries in national and inter national affairs. His Excellency, Don Rudolfo Michels, Chilean Ambassador, traced the political, economic, social, and cultural advances of his country since 1890 in a lecture in Lowell House Junior Common Room last evening.
"In the last 50 years we have consolidated concepts which make a new international order," he said. "The Chileaus have learned to respect sovereign independence. They have made persistent and definite efforts to set up extensive relations among themselves and other people." In Pan-American affairs, he stated, they may point with pride toward their efforts in forwarding peace.
In social legislation Chile has made itself one of the most advanced countries in South America, Michele continued. Old age pensions, compulsory workers' insurance, and low-coat housing programs have been established.
When questioned after his lecture about German infiltration in Chile, Michele said that the Nazi in between was too small to create any difference.
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