Climaxed by Doug Pirnie's double victory in the 100 and 220-yard dashes, the annual University Track Handicaps came to a close Saturday afternoon at Soldiers Field after 120 participants had battled for places in the two-day, intramural meet. Pirnie's victories, both run from scratch, established him as University dash champion.
The summary:
100-yard dash - Won by Pirnie (scratch); second, tie between MacKinnon (scratch) and Recinos (4 yards). Winning margin - 0.1 sec.
220-yard dash - Won by Pirnie (scratch); second, Frymark (10 yards); third, Smith (5 yards). Winning margin - 0.2 sec.
440-yard run - Won by Slingerland (20 yards); second, Pifer (20 yards); third Graves (scratch). Winning margin - 1.0 sec.
880-yard run - Won by Poland (60 yards); second, Phinney (scratch); third Ellis (scratch). Winning margin - 2.8 sec.
Mile run - Won by Palson (scratch); second, Young (scratch); third, McCaul (scratch). Winning margin - 2 inches.
Two mile run - Won by Kent (scratch); second, Nichols (scratch); third, Vorhaus (150 yards). Winning margin - 1'2 seconds.
120-yard high hurdles - Won by Gifferd (7-10 sec.); second, MacKinnon (6-10 sec.); third, Donahue (scratch). Winning margin - 0.1 sec. (Donahue won the time prize by 0.4 sec.).
220-yard low hurdles - Won by Captain Donahue (scratch); second, MacKinnon (0.7 sec.); third, Gifford (0.9 sec.). Winning margin - 0.8 sec.
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