
Hasty Pudding Show Approaches Opening

Preparing for its opening night two weeks hence in Boston, the Hasty Pudding Club's 1941 show, "One On The House," is going into the final stage of rehearsing in the club house. The show this year is a burlesque of a musical comedy, and is replete with 13 hit numbers.

The story concerns a young Harvard graduate, voted the most likely to succeed by his class, who leaves the arms of his beautiful Wellesley finance to promote a hotel in Salt Lake City. Here he is robbed of his money by a lovable old embezzler and an enticing woman of-the-world. The climax of the performance comes when a Harvard class reunion tangles with a polygamous religious sect, and finally absorbs it.

Officials of the club warned that tickets for the special undergraduate night on March 25 at the clubhouse are going fast, and advised students to buy their tickets soon.
