Because of the increasing need for engineers in national defense work, the United States Civil Service Commission has again announced an examination to fill junior engineer positions in any branch of engineering. The salary is $2,000 a year less a 3.5 per cent retirement deduction.
Applications will now be rated as received at the Commission's Washington office until December 31, 1941. Qualified persons who do not have eligible ratings under previous junior engineer examinations held by the Commission within the past year are urged to file their applications at once.
Appointees will perform professional engineering work including assisting in experimental research, design or testing of machinery, and testing and inspection of engineering materials. Separate employment lists will be established in each recognized branch of engineering.
Competitors must have completed a four-year engineering course, except that senior students will be admitted under certain conditions. They will not have to take a written test, but will be rated on their education and will be given additional credit for graduate study in engineering or for engineering experience.
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