
PBH Officers Appoint New Cabinet Members

Brooks House announced last night the appointment of seven committee chairmen, two assistant chairmen, and four members of the Senior Advisory Council.

These men were chosen by Harry Newman, Jr. '42, and William T. Munson '42, new president and vice-president respectively, along with Raymond Dennett '36, graduate secretary, and Thomas H. E. Quimby '40, assistant graduate secretary.

Positions filled were: Gerald Eisner '42, chairman of the Social Service Committee; J. Eldon Sawhill, Jr. '43, chairman of the Speakers Committee; Newbold R. Landon '42, chairman of the Undergraduate Faculty Committee; William W. Piuney, Jr. '43, chairman of the Library Committee; Evan Calkins '43, and Robert H. Orchard '42, co-chairmen of the Publications Committee; Maxwell Kaufer '43, chairman of the Summer Jobs Committee; and Robert B. Sherwood '43, chairman of the Information Committee.

Four Juniors were named to the Senior Advisory Council: Thomas P. Barnefield, John C. Lacey, John B. Liebler, and Emil Bernard Fleischaker. Other names will later be added.

To date, only two assistant chairmanships have been filled: Robert G. Axtell '43, to the Undergraduate Faculty Committee, and William H. Binder '43 to the Speakers Committee.
