

Social Service Members; 11 Colleges to Meet Here

Aubrey Williams, director of the National Youth Administration, will be the main speaker at the P. B. H. intercollegiate Social Service Conference to be held on March 14 and 15, it was announced last night by Harry Newman, Jr. '42, chairman of the conference committee.

Speaking on the role of the N.Y.A. in social service work, Williams will make his address at a luncheon meeting at Brooks House on Saturday, March 15. The doors will be open to the public at 1:30 o'clock.

30 Representatives

The conference, to which 30 representatives of ten men's and women's colleges have been invited, is designed to study means of improving and furthering community service work by college and university students. It will also attempt to spread such work to colleges at which it is now absent.

All delegates will register at Brooks House by 5 o'clock Friday afternoon, following which they will have dinner at Eliot House. There they will be greeted by Langdon P. Marvin, Jr. '41, who will address them after dinner. The evening will be spent in visiting several Boston settlement houses.


Round Tables

On Saturday morning the representatives will attend one of the four round table discussions at Brooks House. These will deal with group work and tutoring; speaking and entertainment; summer work and foreign students; and, for the ladies, cooking and sewing instruction. The first three of these will be led by members of Brooks House, while the fourth will be directed by Lucy Prescott of Radcliffe College and a Boston settlement house worker.

On Saturday afternoon, after William's talk, the delegates will attend a final plenary session, at which the results of the round-table discussions will be presented, and a program for future action formulated.

The colleges which will send representatives are Columbia, Yale, Brown, Simmons, Radcliffe, Smith, Vassar, Boston University, Barnard, and Mount Holyoke.
