In order to increase understanding of the Hoover Food Plan, an impartial round-table discussion of the question will be broadcast tonight at 9:30 o'clock on a Crimson Network program sponsored by the Harvard Committee to Feed the Five Small Democracies of Europe.
James A. McLaughlin '16, professor of Law, and Raymond Dennett '36, secretary of Phillips Brooks House, will submit their opinions to the judgment of Dr. Lucien Brouha, a member of the Belgian Council of Nutrition and an expert consulted by leading men in this country. Lawrence Lader '41 will preside over the discussion.
Vassar Head to Lecture
This is one of two immediate projects to publicize the activities of the Food Committee as announced in a letter received by the CRIMSON yesterday. Tomorrow at 7:30 o'clock, the second of the plans will be presented in the form of a meeting addressed by Henry Noble McCracken, president of Vassar College, and Sonia Tomara, Herald Tribune columnist, in Littauer Auditorium.
"Few of us in this country," the letter to the CRIMSON said, "with three square meals a day, can have any conception of the suffering due to starvation in Europe. Half the normal food supplies have been out off by blockade, and crops have been ruined by bad harvests and the ravages of the armies."
To carry out the plan, the Hoover Commission proposes to control the entire domestic food supply and to "use the money and ships belonging to the exiled governments now tied up in this country," the letter continued. "The Nazis, on their part, would agree to take no food of any kind," it added, and if they did not live up to their agreement, "the experiment would be ended both by the British and by the Commission" before substantial amounts could fall into enemy hands.
"The hungry Belgians, and the others are driven in desperation into the German labor camps," the letter said. "If their wives and children are fed at home, they will not be so likely to work for the Nazi war machine; they will remain in spirit at least, unconquered."
The signers of the letter realize that the success of the plan depends mainly upon American public opinion. But they maintain "no matter how widely we differ in our opinions on the war we must in our hearts agree to one thing, that the tens of millions of innocent children and civilians in the democracies occupied by Germany ought to be fed."
Signers of the message include: Hugh S. Barbour '42, chairman of the Committee, John P. Bunker '42, E. Langdon Burwell '41, Seth C. Crocker '41, David D. Henry '41, Eugene D. Keith '42, Thomas Lacey '41, Loren G. MacKinney '42, W. Rhoads Murphey 3rd '41, and John C. Robbins '42.
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