In recent years, Freshmen without swivel-hips, flying feet or a fireball pitch have found it hard to find a place for themselves on the athletic horizon. Required to exercise, they have been forced to resort to non-competitive sports such as squash, rowing singles and doing rhythmical push-ups in the Indoor Athletic Building. The program of intra-mural touch football which has been going on for the past few autumns has helped the situation somewhat, but the problem persists for the rest of the year. The Freshman Committee of Phillips Brooks House now recommends an extension of this program to include basketball and spring softball, with the approval of Intra-mural Director Samborski and the Dean's Office.
Plaques are to be awarded the winning balls at the end of every year, and, all in all, the program is entirely worthy of adoption for next year's Yardlings. It will give men a chance to enter the world of competitive sports without having to be all muscle and talent, and will serve also to bring that vague and elusive quality of cohesion to the Freshman class. But all is not milk and honey for the PBH Committee. It must enlist the careful help of hall proctors in choosing various managers for the activities, and must keep a constant eye on the program itself. Oiling helps any machine to work, and Freshman intra-murals are almost sure of success if they get the right treatment.
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