To the Editor of the Crimson:
The attached copy of a letter which I have just sent to the Acting Class Agent for 1928 in answer to his invitation to contribute to the Harvard Fund this year, may have some interest for you.
It indicates, I think, how some Harvard men are feeling these days. You are free to use it if you care to;
Dear Sir:
It was nice of you to write me with regard to my contribution to the Harvard Fund. My contribution to the Fund has never been large and the fact that I shall make no gift this year is of little importance.
Frankly, I do not wish to contribute, however modestly, to Harvard while it is under the direction of a man who clearly is more concerned with politics than with the welfare of the University.
When, as in President Conant's case, politics takes the form of crusading with unscientific emotion for: American entry into war without regard-to the interests of his country and particularversity, my reluctance to give to Harvard becomes only the greater.
Thank you again for writing. Rufus H. Jones'28.
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