Ranging from "Jeeves," the jokester butler, to concert pianists, the entertainment division of the Student Employment Office offers a long and varied roster of entertainers for use at private parties, or organization get-togethers.
Over 40 members of the University are listed in the entertainment bureau's catalogue, which does not include a number of available lectures. "Jeeves," who is a member of the Law School, can be hired for the evening as a butler. For a while he acts in the approved manner, but soon he starts putting his fingers in the soup, washing his hands in the drinking water, and generally upsets the party.
There are several magicians available, varying from Francis George '41, and his repertoire of over 200 tricks, some of which he has originated himself, to George A. Field 2G, who combines monologues and a supernatural-stories with his show, known as "Flashing Silks."
Lynn Brua '41, a member of the varsity fencing team, has a rope-spinning act after the style of Will Rogers, which he developed over the course of ten years, while both a clown and a Punch and Judy show are acts offered that are exceptionally well suited to children parties.
In a more serious vein, W.W. Austin 2G, accompanist for the Glee Club, has programs ranging from Ferde Grofe, famous for his "Grand Canyon Suite," to Bach and Debussy. Five swing bands are available, including the "Crimsonians," under the direction of John B. Harlow '41, and the "Gold Coast Orchestra," led by Stanley Brown '41.
Among the most interesting lectures that are offered is an illustrated talk on the "American Indian Peyote Cult," by Richard E. Schultes 4G. Schultes visited a number of western tribes that worship a drug which causes its users to see strange, colored hallucinations, and had some of the strange narcotic himself. Another interesting lecture is a first-hand description of the fall of France, by Frederick E. Pamp 1G, who was in Paris in May 1940 doing Red Cross work.
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