

Harvard Men Ineligible For Draft May Join New Brookline Battalion

Harvard men are in demand to swell the ranks of the new Brookline Battalion of the State Guard, which will be inducted into state service next Monday.

The State Guard has been organized to replace the Militia that disappeared with the start of the draft, and will be concerned mainly with traffic control, guarding property, and keeping order.

The men who join the Battalion will get a training that will prepare them for possible further service. They will drill every Monday evening and will stand ready for brief mobilizations on the call of the Governor. Thursday drill is voluntary. The instruction will include rifle range practice, bayonet practice, and riot formation drills.

Anyone not immediately eligible for the draft may join up, although Massachusetts men are preferred. Men not acceptable to the Draft Board for minor reasons are also eligible. Applicants should contact a captain of the Guard, Felix W. Knauth '18, of 26 Circuit Road, Chestnut Hill, or George E. Abbot '17, of 10 Circuit Road, or else call at the Commonwealth Armory at 8 o'clock tomorrow.
