
Seniors Elect Crocker Permanent Class Secretary by Wide Margin

1941 Names Peabody, James to Positions

Seth C. Crocker of Milton and Eliot House was elected permanent class secretary yesterday, when 413 Seniors went to the polls to cast votes for 14 class posts. Robert A. James of Chicago and Adams House, and Homer D. Peabody, Jr. of San Diego, California and Winthrop Houses were top men in the voting for the Class Day Committee and the Permanent Class Committee.

The other Seniors elected to the Class Day Committee, in order of their total votes, were: Francis M. Simpson of Oak Park, Illinois and Kirkland House, Sheldon Dietz of Brookline and Dunster House, John F. Brooks of Salem and Eliot House, Elliot L. Richardson of Brookline and Winthrop House, and, in a tie for sixth place, George H. Hanford of Cambridge and Winthrop House and Donald A. Donahue of Lawrence and Eliot House.

Following Peabody in the election for the Permanent Class Committee were Francis C. Powers of New York and Kirkland House, Dan E. Flickinger of Indianapolis, Indiana and Winthrop House, David D. Henry of Wellesley Hills and Leverett House, George G. Haydock of Hewlett, New York and Eliot House, and Joseph P. Lyford of Wilton, Connecticut and Lowell House.

Crocker, who garnered 116 votes to beat his nearest rival by 32 ballots, is a member of the Student Council and the captain of the 150-pound Varsity crew, and graduated from Milton Academy. James was a member of the basketball team this year and is on the Student Council and the Adams House Committee. He graduated from the Harvard School for Boys. Peabody was also a basketball regular and the president of the class in his Freshman year. He went to San Diego High.

The election committee was headed by Harrison T. Blaine '42, and included Loren G. MacKinney '42, Endicott Peabody II '42, and John P. Bunker '42. Five men made up the nominating committee, who chose the candidates. Elliot L. Richardson '41 was the chairman, and the other four Seniors were: Gerald D. Roscoe, Westmore Wilcox, Alfred J. Gilbert, and John V. Frank. How They Voted Secretary Seth C. Crocker  116 Class Day Committee Robert A. James  214 Francis M. Simpson  203 Sheldon Dietz  172 John F. Brooks  162 Elliot L. Richardson  158 George H. Hanford  153 Donald A. Donahue  153 Permanent Class Committee Homer D. Peabody  212 Francis C. Powers  203 Dan E. Flickinger  183 David D. Henry  181 George D. Haydock  162 Joseph P. Lyford  161
