Bailots can be secured in the Lowell House Janitor's office.
Balloting to decide the outcome of the final Senior Class Elections begins today in the Houses and other centers throughout the College, and will end tomorrow evening.
From a slate of 58 nominees, the Senior Class will elect 14 men, a class secretary, a Class Day Committee of six, and a Permanent Class Committee of seven, in the two-day siege of voting.
Most important of the offices to be filled is the position of class secretary. Along with the class treasurer, the secretary is a member, ex-officio, of the Permanent Class Committee, whose function is to organize reunions and to represent the Class after graduation. E. Langdon Burwell '41 was chosen class treasurer in the election for marshal two weeks ago.
The seven men whom the result of the polling will place on the Class Day Committee will work between now and June in handling the arrangements for Class Day exercises.
Polling will take place today in the Houses at lunch and at dinner, and also at other hours during the day in Dudley, Widener, Emerson, and Sever.
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