Tabulation last night of the poll which was taken of the Freshman Class in the Union on Monday disclosed that 1944 had cast an overwhelming vote in favor of charging a fee for admission to their Smoker.
Seven hundred and fourteen votes registered approval of the Smoker Committee's suggestion to compensate for the $200 reduction in Student Council funds by charging an admission price. Only 68 Yardlings cast votes in opposition to the measure.
Tickets Sold in Advance
Because Memorial Hall is a tax-free building, and admission therefore cannot be collected at the door, the Freshmen will be forced to sell their tickets in advance. Sales of tickets will begin in the near future in the Union and in Dudley Hall at 30 cents apiece.
Austin B. Mason, Jr., chairman of the Smoker Committee, said last night that the outcome of he poll was a "fine indication" of the spirit of the class, and predicted that class support would make the affair "a whale of a show."
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