
Applications for House Admission To be Received by Yardlings Today

Freshmen May Take 14 Meals in Houses

The Class of '44 will receive application blanks for admission to the Houses today along with a pamphlet of general information to guide the students in making their choice.

Freshmen will be given an opportunity to indicate the Houses of their first and second choice on the application. The blanks, which are similar to those distributed during the last few years, ask for information which will be of assistance to the Central Committee and the House Masters in making the assignments.

Students are asked in filling out the blanks to list activities in which they have engaged, give their academic standing, and indicate their proposed field of concentration. To further aid in the allotment of rooms applicants are to indicate the type of accomodation desired and the price they wish to pay.

Field of Concentration

To insure the choice of a suitable House, Dean Hanford urged "each student in stating his special claims for wishing to be admitted to a particular House, to consider carefully the subjects in which the staff of the House is best equipped to offer instruction and guidance in his proposed field of concentration.


Representatives of the Houses and also of the Central Committee will not be available to discuss admission to the Houses until March 17. From that time on, except during the vacation, they may be consulted until April 10 at hours and places to be announced in the CRIMSON and on the bulletin boards of the Union and University Hall.

Interviews Essential

In order to supplement the information which is set forth on the regular application blank, the Masters have decided that every Freshman and Upperclassman who desires to be admitted to a House should have an interview with the representative of his first and second choice Houses.

Upperclassmen whose names are on the waiting list for assignment to the Houses must reapply if they wish to secure admission to one of the Houses next year.

So that Yardlings may become better acquainted with the Houses, before making their final choice, the Masters decided to continue the plan regarding the meals in the Houses. Freshmen will be permitted to take two evening meals in each of the seven Houses.

All Freshmen who wish to take meals in the Houses must obtain a transfer chanrge slip from the Union for each meal. For the present the number of Yardlings who may be accommodated for each meal in each of the Houses will be limited to 10.
