
Schlussmen Sixth in Carnival at Dartmouth

(February 7, 1941--By United Press)

HANOVER, N.H.-The Dartmouth College ski team maintained a slim lead over the University of New Hampshire skiiers today after the first two events of the college's 31st annual Winter Carnival were reeled off in a downpour of rain.

This afternoon's event, a 15-kilometer "langlauf" cross country race, was won by Allison of New Hampshire in 1 hour and 15 minutes 13 seconds to pace a field of 60 entries. Merrill's victory helped his team compile 97.6 points in the event.

When the total points were counted at the end of the day, Dartmouth still held the lead with 194.5 points. New Hampshire moved into second place with 191.9 and the Norwegian Royal Air Force octet a close third with 190.5. Harvard University, who placed sixth in the langlauf, was in sixth place with 181.6 points.
