
S. O. S

Come back to us, Inchball. Don't make us a paltry loan of money so that we can buy your talent. That would be banal. What we want is a new way if getting at your stores of learned gold. For you see, we have to say a pleasant valedictory, and we're afraid we can't win through without your help. You're just the one to turn the trick, Inch, old boy. You're an industrious fellow, you always used to be in Group I and turned out high marks in mass production. There are so many things we can say with your help.

We can tell these young upstarts tales that will amaze them, tales of the early life of Spilbert the Great, and his double, Alkalaw. We will relate the story of their Great Uprising, and the fall that followed. We can sketch their fools, too numerous to name. Yes, it will make an epic, Inchball, if you help us.

Bit without you we are lost, Inchball. Without you we pass into the Unknown leaving nothing behind but a year of dusty papers. So you see how important you are, old boy.


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