

Mrs. Roosevelt Refuses to Take Part in Conference

Plans for the annual exodus of Harvard delegates to the American Youth Congress in Washington are in full swing, and thirty-five of a quota of seventy men have already been recruited for the trip this week-end.

Even more spectacular fireworks than last year may be expected, since the motherly wing of Mrs. Roosevelt has been officially withdrawn, according to a UP dispatch last night. The first lady revealed that she had refused to take part in the organization's meeting because of its stands on conscription and short-of-war aid to England.

$9.50 covers the transportation costs down and back, including a bus ride to New York where delegates will shifts to the train, and a similar ride on the way back.

Plans Pep Talk

The Student Union and Liberal Executives are planning talks in the Freshman Union and Commuter's Center to promote further enlistments to fill out the quota. The entire group will set our from Harvard a five o'clock Friday afternoon.


AYC meetings, which will be held in Turner's Arena Saturday and Sunday, will hear addresses by Roy Lancaster of Labor's Non-partisan League on "Youth and Labor," Lenonaid Detweiler of the National Intercollegiate Christian Council on "Keeping America Out of War," and other noted speakers.

Unprecedented in former years is the enlistment of five delegates from the Medical School. The Law and Architectural Schools have also contributed envoys, as they have in the past.
