Eight hundred and fifty Freshmen went to the polls yesterday during lunch and dinner hours and elected the ten men who will comprise the nuclei of the 1944 Smoker and Jubilee Committees.
The members of the Union Committee will meet tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 o'clock with Eugene D. Keith '42, Council Representative for Freshman Affairs, and Douglas Mercer '40, assistant secretary of the Union, to appoint the chairmen of the two Committees and add eight or nine additional members. Three other Yardlings will be added later by each of the chairmen.
After being split into two committees, the members will immediately assume duties. The Smoker Committee will line up entertainers for the annual all-Freshman stag affair, while the Jubilee Committee takes charge of the formal dance held late in May.
Edward H. Mahoney of Farlow House, Andover School, and West Newton, received 260 votes, the highest polled by any candidate, while George Saxton of Holworthy Hall, George School, and Short Hills, New Jersey, chairman of the Union Committee, was runner-up with 246 ballots.
Following is the complete list of the successful candidates with the number of votes in parentheses:
Edward H. Mahoney, of Farlow House, Andover School, and West Newton (260);
George A. Saxton, of Holworthy Hall, George School, and Short Hills, New Jersey (246):
A. Roy Atherton, Jr., of Thayer Hall, Exeter School, and Longmeadow (239;
David B. Arnold, Jr., of Thayer Hall, Noble and Greenough School, and Chestnut Hill (209);
E. Thayer Drake, 3rd, of Matthews Hall, Chatham High, and Chatham, New Jersey (200);
Andrew W. Welch, Jr., of Thayer Hall, Roxbury Latin School, and West Roxbury (185);
John D. Eusden, of Thayer Hall, Rivers School, and Newton (169);
Leon A. Danco, Jr., of Matthews Hall, Roger Ludlowe High, and Fairfield, Connecticut (150);
Austin B. Mason, Jr., of Thayer Hall, Noble and Greenough School, and Weston (144);
Malcoim H. Brodrick, of Matthews Hall, Newton High, and West Newton (131).
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