
Penn Overpowers Undefeated Grapplers By 32 to 0 Score

Shattering the grapplers' previously undefeated record, a powerful Penn aggregation blanked the Crimson, 32 to 0, at Philadelphia on Saturday afternoon.

Already weakened by the loss of Tom Lacey and Vern Miller through injuries, the matmen were further handicapped by the default of Jim Redmon, through failure to make weight. Since these were the classes in which Penn was weakest, the Crimson was thus deprived of three good chances at least to soften the defeat.

Ted Schoenberg, Dick Thomas, Lee Ackerman, and Dick Davidson were all able to hold out for decisions. Thomas put up the closest fight of the afternoon, yielding only by a referee's decision of 11 to 7. Schoenberg's scrap, which was also very close, represents his first defeat since he lost in the finals of the Easterns last spring.
