

Construction of Edifice Speeded Despite Cold-Weather Slow-ups

In spite of the cold weather, work is progressing rapidly on the new library, according to Keyes D. Metcalf, Librarian of Harvard College.

Though the pouring of concrete has been somewhat slowed up, construction is going along on schedule, and the building will be finished by July 15.

The addition to Widener will house the many valuable University collections of rare books which cannot at present be adequately displayed. Special measures are being taken to provide the best care possible under modern scientific methods for the preservation of these volumes.

Brick-Laying Will Start

The laying of bricks will begin at the first floor level early next month. Sand-struck bricks, which are lighter in color than the surrounding buildings, will be used in this construction, as an attempt to match the color of the early colonial structures which formerly stood in the Yard. The new, shade is thought to be more like that of the older bricks.


The new library will also be the College's first completely air-conditioned building, and is to be provided with double sashes on all the windows to prevent fogging. The air-conditioning equipment will be located in the basement of Widener in order to save storage space in the edifice.

When the library is completed, the main entrance will open upon a large elliptical room which is to contain the most interesting and valuable books owned by the University.
