
Students Send Soup, Cats, For Valentines

Cambridge undergraduates are sentimentalists, rabid ones, according to a canvas of merchants in the Square made at a late hour last evening.

Yardlings and Upperclassmen have deluged the nation with flowers and singing telegrams, kittens and a bowl of mushroom soup, heterogeneous evidence of their sentiment on this Valentine Day.

Telegraph offices ranked Northamtion as the town receiving the largest single percentage of messages from undergraduates, with Wellesley coming second, and Poughkeepsie taking an inglorious third place.

Both florist and telegraph offices agreed that mothers received a surprising percentage of the traffic, and variously estimated the flowers and messages going to mothers as being between one-half and one-third of the total.

Business, it was said, was quite up to the level of other years, and had not suffered because of the war. Tradespeople looked for a last minute spurt today. The telegraph office particularly, recalling that last year it had delivered an ice cream soda with four straws, a dog in a red ribbon, two fried eggs, and white mice, looked forward to a busy day.
