
Lecture On Pyramids Will Open Archeology Series

"The Secret of the Pyramids" will be the subject of an illustrated public lecture here Friday afternoon, opening a series of three illustrated talks on archeology presented by the Semitic Museum.

The lectures, to be held at 4 o'clock in the large lecture room of the Semitic Museum, will be: February 14, "The Secret of the Pyramids," by Professor Georg Steindorff, formerly of the University of Lolpzig; March 13, "Recent Excavations in Syria," by Harald Ingholt, of the University of Aarhus, Denmark; and March 21, "Phoenician and Punic Remains in Sardinia," by Professor Doro Levi, formerly of the University of Cagliari, Sardinia, at present Recorder for the Princeton Excavations at Antioch.
