

According to a 5 o'clock radio bulletin, censorship has been imposed on all communications to and from the United States, armed guards and air-raid precautions have been institutedin Washington, suspicious Japanese have been arrested, and all Japanese have been forbidden to leave the country.

Manila was bombed this morning at dawn by a force of Nipponese planes. Although, contrary to first reports, the Phillipine capital was not attacked in the first series of Japanese waves, it had been expecting the blow at any moment, and was not caught unawares.

According to a late radio dispatch, public opinion in Chile and Uraguay demands that their governments declare war, not only against Japan, but also against the Germans and Italians. Brazil and Argentine recognized the gravity of the situation, but have taken no action yet.

According to the official German news agency DNB, Emperor Hirohito anounced that the Japanese were conducting a large-scale offensive on Hong Kong.
