With the assistance of several Smith girls, Harvard's little heard-from Gliding Club has just concluded its fall season under the presidency of Adelbert Ames, 3rd, '43.
Most of the club's activities take place at the Northampton Airport, where excellent facilities, including good roads around the field and an obliging ground crew of Smith students, are available. The work of the girls consists mainly of helping to put the gliders together and towing them around behind cars to get them off the ground.
Owns Two Gilders
After functioning for a year and a half, the club now has five members and owns two gliders. Of these, one is a high-performance sailplane of English design and the other is an all-metal utility glider, or trainer.
As it is in somewhat pressed financially, especially since hope for a government training program subsidy has dwindled, the club plans to sell the utility glider, preferably to some members of the University in order to foster the sport here.
Up to the present, the group's best flights have been 30 miles in distance and three hours in duration. For the past two summers, it has participated in the National Glider Championship Meet at Elmira, N. Y.
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