

Finances, Lack of Student Support Bring About Action

Publication of the Progressive, organ of the Harvard Student Union, has been suspended indefinitely because of severe financial difficulties, it was learned last night from Marc H. Jaffe '42, editor of the magazine.

Another factor in the dissolution was lack of College support. Last year the Progressive and its parent body were among the leaders of the large isolationist group, but the student body this year has been overwhelmingly opposed to strict isolationism.

Although the H.S.U. also changed to intervention after Russia entered the war, this policy shift took place over the summer and did not restore the magazine to whatever place it had occupied as a leader of student opinion.

Wishes Success to Guardian

Jaffe said that there was some possibility of a renewal of publication in the near future, and that in the meantime he hoped that "the future of the Guardian as the Liberal Union's publication will attain the heights reached by the Progressive in the past. There is a definite place in Harvard for a liberal magazine."


First published in 1938 under the guiding wing of the Student Union, Jaffe said the Progressive was "an important force in discussing issues of progressive and liberal importance which were not brought up by any other College publication, such as the investigations of teacher tenure and the Economics department."

A flyer distributed at Registration was the only printed effort of the Progressive this year, although in September the board planned to keep a regular publication schedule.
