
Volunteers Sought To Aid Red Cross, U.S.O.

Because a large number of volunteer workers are needed to aid the Cambridge Red Cross this winter, University undergraduates will find many opportunities to assist by interviewing the families of soldiers, acting as reserve switchboard operators, serving as referees in Army and Navy athletics, and doing office work for the U.S.O.

Men who have had experience conducting polls, or who have studied psychology or sociology, are particularly valuable to the Red Cross defense work visiting the families of soldiers and investigating their financial and housing situations.

In the event of a bombing raid on Boston or Cambridge the Red Cross regulars would be so busy caring for the wounded and homeless that they would have to employ volunteer telephone operators at their switchboards. It will be necessary to begin training a corps of skilled men for this job immediately.

Sports-minded individuals of the University anxious to do defense work may find a job suitable to their taste serving as referees in athletic games, mainly basketball, between teams made up of Army and Navy enlistees at the Charlestown Y. M. C. A.

As a last opportunity the Cambridge division of the U.S.O. is planning to use at least 150 volunteer office workers to assist in their regular program of providing recreation and all types of service to draftees.
