


One of the last of the non-partisan college political magazines, the Harvard Guardian, has finally yielded to the influence of national events and fortified itself with the opinions and policies of the Harvard Liberal Union.

Although hot dispute still rages in the ranks of the publication's editors, A. Peter Ruderman '43, newly-elected editor, announced last night that the January issue, which will appear December 18, will begin a new period in Guardian history and will contain articles by Liberal Union officials Edward Ames '42, Mark Schlef '43, and Adam, Yarmolinsky '43; the Union's retiring president, new vice-president, and new secretary-treasurer respectively.

New Regime Advocates Changes

With the newly-inaugurated regime advocating the H.L.U.'s basic principles of extension of democracy at home, fighting for democracy abroad, and the establishment of a just peace after the war, the board is expected to approve the merger measure in its meeting Monday. Last Tuesday, at the elections, a two-thirds majority was not achieved and the plan had to be postponed.

Desiring a vocal organ for the expression of its beliefs, the H.L.U. favors the assimiliation and has already passed a resolution approving the move. The alternate possibility of organizing a separate publication was discarded because of the lack of the necessary funds and in order not to compete with already existing organizations.


By agreement, if the merger is accomplished, the H.L.U. will submit a resolution to the National Student Merger Committee, which is meeting at Harvard during the holidays under H.L.U. sponsorship, requesting that the Guardian be named the Committee's national magazine. The National Student Merger Committee consists of representatives of the liberal groups of the nation's colleges. Both president Stanwood Kenyon '43 and editor Ruderman of the Guardian are members of the H.L.U.

The Union's position was explained last night by Roger Fisher '43, its new president, who declared, "If the Guardian officially accepts the proposal, it will probably send one representative to the executive council of the Union and will accept editorials and articles by it. Otherwise, it will remain independent."
