
Lining Them Up

Although Jaakko Mikkola, Varsity track coach, expressed himself as "very hopeful" for the outcome of this year's season, the situation is far from bright at the moment.

Captain Bob Houghton, whom Jaako calls "an inspiring leader," twisted his ankle in a touch-football game, and is out for the next two weeks at least. One of the top men in the distances, Fred Phinney, next year's cross-country captain, will undergo a dental operation Thursday that will deprive him of wisdom tooth, and Jaako of his services for a couple of weeks.

Kent Ready in February

Bob Kent, who returned to the squad this week after some time spent recuperating from a broken bone in his foot, sustained during the cross-country season, won't be ready for action until February at the earliest, while Rollo Campbell has not yet returned to the squad. He too suffered a leg injury in the course of the hill-and-dale season.

This appears to be a grim picture, but since the first regular meet, the Knights of Columbus affair in the Boston Garden, does not come until January, the situation may not be as bad as it looks as first glance. Also, the Tufts meet, set for Briggs Cage on Saturday afternoon is informal and non-scoring, and will not be part of the permanent record of this track team.


Forgets War

About the war, Jaakko says, "We will forget about it. The only thing to do is to carry on, but, rather than just sitting and waiting, to become fit. We go by the proved theory that an athlete who can take punishment is the best protection a country can have."

Doug Pirnie, ace sprinter, will not compete against the Jumbos in either the broad-jump or the 35-yard dash, since Jaakko wants him to rest up from his recent gridiron exploits.

The Tufts contest will be a combined Varsity and Freshman meet, and will include, beside the sprints, five field events, seven races, and a possible relay. For the Yardlings there will be a 300 and a 600 yard run, while the Varsity will do a 440 and a three-quarters. Both squads will run the 1000, and the Varsity will have a one and one-quarter mile event. The five field events will include a high jump, pole vault, broad jump, shot put, and 35-pound weight throw, for both the Varsity and the Yardlings.

Although times will be taken in the Tufts meet, they will not be released and there will be no scoring. In the hurdles and distances the Jumbos have outstanding performers, but the remainder of the squad is as yet untried.
